circumambient 026 ... (right click your mouse and choose "Save As" to download the Podcast)
"...celebrating the oceans of sound that surround us!"
circumambient ... an exploration into all-encompassing and immersive independent music. This instalment was curated by ambient musician Crows Labyrinth, who when asked to describe his mix replied with the following:
“What I have tried to do here is to create an ambient mix of tracks that I have stumbled upon in the past two years that have made a big impression on me. All these tracks are created by independent ambient artists, most of which are unsigned, that I think deserve more attention from the public and from ambient lovers.”
My thanks to Crows Labyrinth for the time and trouble spent making this utterly delightful mix.
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- Decay of the Ancient Sun by Misleading Structures from Constant Liquid Stratus - 00:00
- Children Of Starlight (The Grey Elves Of Beleriand) by April Larson from A Light That Illuminates Nothing - 05:43
- Heliograph by Crows Labyrinth from Travels - 09:47
- Lament by Jake Beamish from The Space EP - 16:02
- on the sea (excerpt) by Saito Koji & Sima Kim from on the sea - 20:20
- Goede Buren (Good Neighbours) by Tim Rowe - previously unreleased - 26:07
- Flow: Part 2 (excerpt) by Hilyard from Flow - 31:15
- internalising an explosion by Nimon from the king is dead - 37:42
- Day drift by Microvolt from Peacedrifts - 44:34
- Arvedalki Beaivvada by Above, Convenience Store! from Building In Search of the Sun - 51:01